The museum is attempting to add the missing information to these records. If you have played in this event in the past twenty years you could assist us by providing the Venue and the Names of the individuals who participated. If you know any of the results for the matches that would be a bonus.
Contact us at email:
Venue Shaughnessy Heights Date: May 8, 1922
Shaughnessy Heights /Jericho vs Colwood / Victoria
Miss Phepoe (0) vs Mrs. Philbrick (1)
Mrs. Gelletly (0) vs Mrs. Hew Paterson (1)
Mrs. McAlister (1/2) vs Mrs. Hutchinson (1/2)
Mrs. Tweedale (0) vs Mrs. Sayward (1)
Mrs. McGregor (0) vs Mrs. Perry (1)
Mrs. Martin (1) vs Mrs. Goward (0)
Mrs. Montgomery (0) vs Mrs. Abell (1)
Mrs. Stark (1) vs Mrs. Willis (0)
Mrs. Moorehead (1) vs Mrs. Wilson (0)
Mrs. Huntting (0) vs Miss Hardie (1)
Miss Farrell (1) vs Mrs. Noonan (0)
Miss McLean (1) vs Mrs. Spencer (0)
First Half Total Vancouver 51/2 Victoria 6 1/2
Venue Victoria GC Date: October 17, 1922
Victoria/Colwood vs Jericho/Shaughnessy Heights
Mrs. Philbrick (1) vs Miss Phepoe (0)
Mrs. Paterson (0) vs Mrs. Gelletley (1)
Mrs. Hutchison (1) vs Mrs. McAllister (0)
Miss Sayward (1/2) vs Mrs. Tweedale (1/2)
Mrs. Parry (1) vs Mrs. Stark (0)
Mrs. Mogg (1) vs Mrs. Montgomery (0)
Miss Mara (1) vs Mrs. Martin (0)
Mrs. Abell (1) vs Mrs. Robertson (0)
Mrs. Willis (0) vs Mrs. Moorehead (1)
Miss Pardie (1/2) vs Mrs. Huntting (1/2)
Mrs. Rithet (0) vs Miss Drysdale(1)
Miss Paterson (1) Miss McLean (0)
Second Half Total Victoria 8 Vancouver 4
Year Total Victoria 13 1/2 Vancouver 10 1/2
Venue: Colwood May 7, 1923
Colwood/Victoria vs Shaughnessy Heights / Jericho
Mrs. Philbrick (0) vs Mrs. Sweeny (1)
Mrs. Paterson (0) vs Mrs. Gelletley (1)
Mrs. Hutchison (0) vs Mrs. McAllister (1)
Miss Sayward (0) vs Mrs. Tweedale (1)
Mrs. Perry (1) vs Mrs. Montgmery (0)
Mrs. Abell (1) vs Mrs. Stark (0)
Mrs. Armstrong (1) vs Mrs. Martin (0)
Mrs. Mogg (1) vs Mrs. Bell (0)
Miss Hardie (1) vs Miss Drysdale (0)
Mrs. Rithet (1) vs Miss McLean (0)
Mrs. Willis (1) vs Mrs. Smyllie (0)
Mrs. Pocock (1) vs Mrs. Symes (0)
First Half Total Victoria 8 Vancouver 4
Venue: Jericho October 9, 1923
Jericho/Shaughnessy Heights vs Colwood/Victoria
Mrs. Sweeny (1) vs Mrs. Philbrick (0)
Mrs. Gelletley (1) vs Mrs. Patterson (0)
Miss Phepoe (0) vs Mrs. Perry (1)
Mrs. McAllister (0) vs Mrs. Hutchison (1)
Mrs. Tweedle (1) vs Miss Sayward (0)
Miss Drysdale (1) vs Mrs. Abell (0)
Mrs. Montgomery (0) vs Mrs. Rithet (1)
Mrs. Robertson (0) vs Miss Wilson (1)
Mrs. Smillie (1) vs Miss Pitts (0)
Mrs. Broome (1) vs miss Hardy (0)
Mrs. Martin (0) vs Miss Mara (1)
Mrs. Scott (1) vs Mrs. Gillespie (0)
Second Half Total Vancouver 7 Victoria 5
Year total Victoria 15 Vancouver 9
No individual results available
First Half total Vancouver 11 1/2 Victoria 1/2
Venue: Victoria October 17, 1924
Victoria/Colwood vs Jericho/Shaughnessy
Mrs. Philbrick (1) vs Mrs. Gelletley (0)
Mrs. Paterson (1/2) vs Mrs. Tweedale 1/2
Mrs. Perry (1) vs Miss Mclean (0)
Mrs. Hutchison (1) vs Miss Drysdale (0)
Mrs. Armstrong 1/2 vs Mrs. Stark 1/2
Miss Sayward (1) vs Mrs. Cunningham (0)
Mrs. Abell (0) vs Mrs. Montgomery (1)
Mrs. Wilding 1/2 vs Mrs Abell 1/2
Miss Wilson (1) vs Mrs. Chiene (0)
Mrs. Rithet (1) vs Mrs. Mcarthur (0)
Mrs. Pocock (1) vs Mrs. Dean (0)
Mrs. Gillespie (1) vs Mrs. Dawson (0)
Second Half total Victoria 9 1/2 Vancouver 2 1/2
Year total: Vancouver 21 Victoria 3
Venue Colwood Date May 18, 1925
Colwood/Victoria vs Jericho/Shaughnessy Heights
Mrs. Philbrick (0) vs Mrs. Hutchings (1)
Mrs. Perry (0) vs Mrs. Gelletley (1)
Mrs. Hutchison (0) vs Mrs. Mcallister (1)
Miss Sayward (0) vs Mrs. Tweedale (1)
Mrs. Armstrong (1) vs Mrs. Montgomery (0)
Mrs. Abell (1) vs Mrs. Robertson (0)
Mrs. Wilding (1) vs Miss Drysdale (0)
Miss I Wilson (0) vs Miss McLean (1)
Miss M. Wilson (0) vs Mrs. Bell (1)
Mrs. Lennox (1/2) vs Mrs. Goulding (1/2)
Mrs. Galt (1) vs Mrs. Bagnall (0)
Mrs. Pocock (1) vs Mrs. Walkem Knox (0)
Vancouver 6 1/2 Victoria 5 1/2
Venue Shaughnessy Heights April 2, 1926
Shaughnessy Heights/ Jericho vs Colwood / Victoria
Mrs. Hutchings (1) vs Mrs. Philbrick (0)
Mrs. Gelletley (0) vs Mrs. Perry (1)
Mrs. Phepoe (1) vs Mrs. Hutchison (0)
Mrs. McAllister (1) vs Mrs. Sayward (0)
Mrs. Tweedale (0) vs Mrs. Armstrong (1)
Mrs. Strak (1) vs Mrs. Abell (0)
Miss Drysdale (1) vs Miss Wilson (0)
Miss McLean (0) vs Mrs. Wilding (1)
Mrs. Robertson (1) vs Mrs. Godfrey (0)
Mrs. Bell (1) vs Mrs. Gillespie (0)
Mrs. Montgomery (1) vs Mrs. Pocock (0)
Mrs. Smillie (1) vs Mrs. Burns (0)
Vancouver 9 Victoria 3
Venue Royal Colwood April 14, 1927
Royal Colwood/Victoria vs Jericho/Shaughnessy Heights
Mrs. Philbrick (0) vs Mrs Hutchings (1)
Miss Sayward (0) vs Mrs. Sweeny (1)
Mrs. Allen (1/2) vs Mrs. Gelletley (1/2)
Mrs. Hutchison (1) vs Miss Drysdale (0)
Mrs. Parry (1) vs Mrs. Golding (0)
Mrs. Armstrong (1) vs Mrs. Knox Walkem (0)
Mrs. Abell (1) vs Mrs. Tweedale (0)
Miss Mara (0) vs Miss Danks (1)
Mrs. Wilding (1) vs Mrs. Robertson (0)
Mrs. Galt (1) vs Mrs. Quigley (0)
Miss Schwengers (1) vs Mrs. Montgomery (0)
Mrs. Pocock (1) vs Mrs. Smillie (0)
Victoria 8 1/2 Vancouver 3 1/2
Venue: Jericho April 5 1928
Jericho/Shaughnessy Heights vs Royal colwood / Victoria
Mrs. Sweeny (1) vs Miss Wilson (0)
Mrs. Gelletley (1) vs Mrs. Philbrick (0)
Mrs. McAlister (0) vs Mrs. Wilson (1)
Miss Farrow (1) vs Mrs. Hutchison (0)
Miss Ruth Wilson (0) vs Mrs. Perry (1)
Mrs. Dean (0) vs Mrs. Gillespie (1)
Mrs. Stark (1) vs Mrs. Abell (0)
Mrs. Bell (1) vs Miss Schwengers (0)
Miss Drysdale (1) vs Mrs. Armstrong (0)
Mrs. Quigley (0) vs Mrs. Wilding (1)
Mrs. Smillie (0) vs Mrs. King (1)
Mrs. Dawson (1) vs Mrs. Miller (0)
Vancouver 7 Victoria
Venue: Victoria May 6, 1929
Victoria/Royal Colwood vs Jericho/ Shaughnessy Heights
Miss M Wilson (1/2) vs Mrs. Hutchings (1/2)
Mrs. Philbrick (0) vs Mrs. Sweeny (1)
Mrs. Hutchison (1) vs Mrs. Gelletley (0)
Mrs. Allen (1) vs Miss McLean (0)
Mrs. Patterson (1) vs Mrs. Tweedale (0)
Mrs. Parry (1) vs Miss Drysdale (0)
Mrs. Wilding (0) vs Mrs. McAllister (1)
Mrs. Godfrey (1) vs Mrs. Chiene (0)
Mrs. Bennett (0) vs Mrs. Quigley (1)
Mrs. Gillespie (0) vs Mrs. McDonald (1)
Mrs. Leeming (0) vs Mrs. Dawson (1)
Mrs. Richardson (0) vs Mrs. Reid (1)
Vancouver 6 1/2 Victoria 5 1/2
Venue Point Grey May 12, 1930
Jericho/Shaughnessy vs Royal Colwood/Victoria
Mrs. Hutchings (1) vs Mrs. Philbrick (0)
Mrs. Sweeny (1) vs Mrs. Hutchison (0)
Mrs. McAllister (1) vs Mrs. Patterson (0)
Mrs. Gelletley (0) vs Mrs. Wilding (1)
Miss K Farrell (1) vs Mrs. Perry (0)
Mrs. Golding (0) vs Mrs. Armstrong (1)
Miss Drysdale (1) vs Mrs. Bennett (0)
Miss Schwengers (1) vs Miss Dunsmuir (0)
Mrs. Havemeyer (1) vs Miss Pitts (0)
Mrs. Stark (1) vs Mrs. Wilson (0)
Mrs. Desbrisay (1) vs Mrs. Richardson (0)
Mrs. Tweedale (0) vs Mrs. Gillespie (1)
Vancouver 9 Victoria 3
Venue Royal Colwood May 11, 1931
Royal Colwood/Victoria vs Jericho/Shaughnessy Heights
Mrs. B. Philbrick V (0) vs Mrs. V. Hutchings J (1)
Mrs. S. Wilson (1) C vs Mrs. S. Sweeny J (0)
Mrs. J. Hutchinson V (0) vs Mrs. A. McAlister S (1)
Mrs. H. Paterson V (1) vs Mrs. R. Gelletley J (1)
Mrs. W. Perry C (0) vs Mrs. R. Baker J (1)
Mrs. V. Godfrey V (0) vs Miss D. Schwengers S (1)
Miss L. Audain C (0) vs Miss J. Drysdale J (1)
Mrs. Bennett C (1) vs Mrs. M. McDowell S (0)
Mrs. N. MacFalrlane C (0) vs Mrs. W. MacKenzie S (1)
Mrs. A. Morkill C (0) vs Mrs. G. Wismer S (1)
Mrs. A. Watson (1) V vs Mrs. W. Knox Wilhelm S (0)
Miss A. Fitzgibbon V (1) vs Miss K. Duff Stuart S (0)
Vancouver 8 Victoria 4
Scheduled for Vancouver BC women’s amateur hosted by Quilchena
Only two players from the Island entered the championship
Huntting cup cancelled due to lack of players from Victoria.
Venue Victoria GC May 8, 1933
Royal Colwood/Victoria vs Jericho/Shaughnessy
Mrs. Jackson (0) vs Mrs. Hutchings (1)
Mrs. Paterson (1) vs Miss Farrell (0)
Mrs. Ross (1) vs Mrs. Mason (0)
Mrs. Philbrick (1/2) vs Mrs. Irvine (1/2)
Mrs. Hutchinson (1) vs Miss Duff-Stuart (0)
Mrs. Bennett (1) vs Mrs. Dawson (0)
Miss Hodgson (1) vs Mrs. McLean (0)
Miss Fitzgibbon (1) vs Mrs. Traill (0)
Mrs. Watson (1) vs miss McMullen (0)
Mrs. MacFarlane (1) vs Mrs. Knox Wilhelm
Miss Benson (0) vs Mrs. Graves (1)
Miss Carey (0) vs Mrs. Molson (1)
Victoria 8 1/2 Vancouver 3 1/2
Venue Jericho May 7, 1934
Jericho/Shaughnessy Heights vs Royal Colwood/Victoria
Mrs. Sweeny (0) vs Mrs. Jackson (1)
Miss Farrell (1) vs Miss Hutchinson (0)
Mrs. McAllister (1) vs Miss Bennett (0)
Miss Schwengers (1/2) vs Miss Allan (1/2)
Mrs. Baker (1) vs Miss Hodgson (0)
Mrs. Trail (1) vs Mrs Perry (0)
Mrs. Irvine (1) vs Miss MacFarlane (0)
Mrs. MacDowell (1) vs Miss Benson (1)
Mrs. Mason (0) vs Miss Hodgson (1)
Mrs. Gelletley (1) vs Mrs Philbrick
Miss Duff Stuart (1) vs Mrs. Watson (0)
Vancouver 8 1/2 Victoria 3 1/2
Venue Royal Colwood May 13, 1935
Royal Colwood /Victoria vs Jericho/Shaughnessy Heights
Mrs. Jackson (0) vs Mrs. Sweeny (1)
Mrs. Sayward Wilson (0) vs Miss Duff-Stuart (1)
Mrs. Hutchison (1) vs Miss Evans (0)
Miss Peggy Hodgson (1) vs Mrs. McLean (0)
Miss Phyliss Hodgson (1) vs Mrs. Stark (0)
Miss Todd (1) vs Mrs. Irvine (0)
Mrs. Bennett (1/2) vs Miss Boyd (1/2)
Mrs. Philbrick (0) vs Mrs. H. Wilson (1)
Mrs. Godfrey (0) vs Mrs. Graves (1)
Mrs. Ross (1) vs Mrs. Malkin (0)
Mrs. Abell (1) vs Mrs Ferris (0)
Mrs. Armstrong (1) vs Mrs. Woodward (0)
Victoria 7 1/2 Vancouver 4 1/2
Venue Shaughnessy Heights May 10, 1936
Jericho/Shaughnessy Heights vs Royal Colwood / Victoria
Miss Katie Duff-Stuart (1/2) vs Miss Marjorie Todd (1/2)
Mrs. S. Sweeny (1) vs Mrs. H. Bennett (0)
Mrs. A, McAllister (1) vs Mrs. V. Godfrey (0)
Mrs. R. Gelletley (1) vs Mrs. P. Abell (0)
Miss Kaye Farrell (1) vs Mrs. B. Philbrick (0)
Miss Dorothy Schwengers (1) vs. Mrs. H. Paterson (0)
Mrs. J MacDonald (1) vs Mrs. J. McFarlane (0)
Miss Winifred Evans (1) vs Mrs. C. Armstrong (0)
Mrs. H. Wade (1) vs Mrs. H. Willis (0)
Miss Naomi McMullen (1) vs Mrs. H. Crowe (0)
Mrs. McLean (1) vs Mrs. D. Todd (0)
Vancouver 11 1/2 Victoria 1/2
Venue Victoria May 3 1937
Royal Colwood/Victoria vs Jericho/Shaughnessy Heights
Mrs. Philbrick (1) vs Miss K. Farrell (0)
Mrs. Dowell (1) vs Miss K. Duff-Stuart (0)
Miss. Hodgson (1/2) vs Miss Evans (1/2)
Mrs. Paterson (1) vs Mrs. Trail (0)
Mrs. Bennett (1) vs Mrs. Wade (0)
Mrs. McFarlane (1/2) vs Mrs. Irvine (1/2)
Mrs. Eve (0) vs Miss Boy (1)
Mrs. MacKenzie (1) vs Mrs. MacDonald (0)
Mrs. Lay (1/2) vs Mrs. Baker (1/2)
Miss. Benson (0) vs Mrs. Forst (1)
Mrs. Sheffield (1) vs Mrs. Bowman (0)
Mrs. Watson (1) vs Mrs. Manley (0)
Victoria 8 1/2 Vancouver 3 1/2
Venue Jericho May 8, 1938
Jericho/Shaughnessy Heights vs Royal Colwood / Victoria
Miss K. Farrell (1) vs Mrs. A. Dowell (default due to an auto accident)
Mrs. P Traill (1) vs Miss P Hodgson (0)
Miss W. Evans (1) vs Mrs. H. McKenzie (0)
Mrs. H. Wade (1) vs Mrs. B. Philbrick (0)
Miss K Duff-Stuart (1) vs Miss Z. Huse (0)
Mrs. G. Irvive (1) vs Mrs. A Stickley (0)
Mrs. W. McKenzie (1) vs Mrs. W. Hadley (0)
Mrs. R. Baker (1) vs Mrs. R. Field (0)
Mrs. D. McLean (1) vs miss M. Campbell (0)
Mrs. Frost (1) vs Mrs. E. Gillespie (0)
Miss L Boyd (1/2) vs Mrs. E. Enke (1/2)
Mrs. M. Naysmith (0) vs Miss N. Wilson (1)
Vancouver 10 1/2 Victoria 1 1/2
Venue Royal Colwood May 8, 1939
Mrs. A. Dowell (1) Miss K. Farrell (0)
Mrs. A. Stickley (1) vs Miss L. Boyd (0)
Miss P. Hodgson (0) vs Mrs. H. Wade (1)
Mrs. H. MacKenzie (1) vs Miss W. Evans (0)
Mrs. H. Paterson (1) vs Miss. K. Duff-Stuart (0)
Mrs. R. Hocking (1) vs Mrs. M. Naysmith (0)
Mrs. B. Philbrick (1) vs Mrs. G. Wilson (0)
Mrs. C. Eve (1) vs Mrs. G. Wilson 90)
Miss. N. Wilson (1) vs Mrs. W. Cumming (0)
Miss. M. Todd (1) vs Mrs. S. Fawcus (0)
Mrs. R. Field (1) vs Mrs. G. Selman (0)
Mrs. W. Hadley (1) vs Mrs. H. Cove (0)
Victoria (11) Vancouver (1)
No Events Held from 1940 – 1946 due to World War 2
In 1947 the team composition changed from six players being chosen from the four participating clubs Jericho and Shaughnessy Heights in Vancouver and Royal Colwood and Victoria in Victoria.
In 1947 each team was chosen from the best 12 available players from Vancouver and Victoria. Members from all clubs were eligible to be a team member.
All clubs in Vancouver and Victoria could host the Huntting Cup competition.
Venue Uplands May 1, 1947
Victoria vs Vancouver
Mrs. J. Todd (1) vs Mrs. R. O’Callaghan (0)
Mrs. E, Jackson (1) vs Mrs. B Evans (0)
Mrs. M. Todd-Finney (1) vs. miss B. Davies (0)
Miss Mackenzie Grieve (1) vs Miss. W. Evans (0)
Miss L. Jarvis (1) vs Miss C. Martin (0)
Mrs. W. Smith (1) vs Miss K. Farrell (0)
Mrs. G. Harris (1) vs Mrs. J. McCracken (0)
Mrs. S. Horsford (1) vs Mrs. D. Firbank (0)
Miss B. Ellis (1) vs Mrs. F. Thompson (0)
Miss M. young (1/2) vs Mrs. R. Cleat (1/2)
Victoria 9 1/2 Vancouver 1/2 Note: Only 10 matches held
Venue Capilano August 1, 1948
Vancouver vs Victoria
No individual results
Vancouver 5 1/2 Victoria 3 1/2
Victoria GC June 19, 1949
No Individual results
Victoria 6 1/2 Vancouver 2 1/2 Note: Probably only 9 matches held
Event Cancelled
Venue Marine Drive June 17, 1951
Vancouver vs Victoria
Miss B. Davies (1) vs Mrs. J. Todd(0)
Mrs. R. Edwards (1) vs Mis M Todd (0)
Mrs. B Evans (1) vs Mrs. T. Matson (0)
Mrs. W. Silcock (1) vs Mrs. H. McIntyre (0)
Mrs. W. Knox (1) vs Miss E. Paytner (0)
Mrs. J. McCracken (0) vs Miss D. Herbertson (1)
Mrs. M Hutton-Potts (1) vs Miss S. Fry (0)
Mrs. T. Dunlop (0) vs Mrs. H. Mearns (1)
Miss S. Ross (1) vs Mrs. S. Weston (0)
Mrs. J. Sinser (1/2) vs Miss P. Bagley (1/2)
Mrs. M. Renwick (1) vs Mrs. G. Harris (0)
Miss. G. Thompson (0) vs Mrs. M. Mahoney (1)
Vancouver 8 1/2 Victoria 3 1/2
Venue Royal Colwood Date: July 6, 1952
Vancouver Team members: Miss. Babs Davies, Mrs. R. Cleat, Mrs. W. Knox , Mrs. R. Rennwick, Mrs. M. Hutton-Potts, Mrs. J. McCracken, Mrs. A. Sutherland, Miss K. Duff-Stuart, Mrs. G. Thompson, Mrs. G. Garnett, Mrs. W. Patrick, Mrs. R. Rumley, Mrs. T. Brown.
No results
Vancouver defeated Victoria
Venue Vancouver GC Date July 5, 1954
Vancouver vs Victoria
Mrs. M Hutton-Potts (1) vs Mrs. H McIntyre (0)
Mrs. H. Cleat (0) vs Miss Shirley Fry (1)
Mrs. R. Edward (1) vs Miss D. Herbertson (0
Mrs. R. Renwick vs Mrs. D. Ryhe-Jones
Mrs. B Evans vs Mrs. G. Harris
Mrs. W. Knox vs Mrs. T. Jackson
Miss S. Ross vs Mrs. H. Mearns
Miss D. Ross vs Mrs. W. Erickson
Miss R. Wilson vs Mrs. M Mahoney
Mrs. J. McCracken vs Mrs. V. Godfrey
Mrs. W. Patrick vs. Mrs. D. White
Mrs. J. Sinser vs Mrs. R. Barnes
Only limited individual results available
Vancouver 8 Victoria 4
Venue Shaughnessy Heights Date: July 18. 1954
Island Team members: Miss s. Fry, Miss D. Herbertson, Mrs. R. Barnes, Miss M. Crawford, Mrs. H. Erikson, Mrs. Horsford, Mrs. Harrell, Mrs. T. Jackson, Miss. M. Mahoney, Mrs. I McIntyre, Mrs. P Harris, Mrs. E. Rhys-Jones
No individual results available
Mainland: 8 ½ Island 3 1/2
Venue Quilchena Date July 10, 1955
Mainland vs Island
Miss. S Ross (0) vs Mrs. J Todd (1)
Mrs. Hutton-Potts (0) vs Mrs. Naysmith (1)
Mrs. H. Cleat (0) vs Mrs. D. Rhye-Jones (1)
Mrs. B. Evans (1) vs Miss D. Herbertson (0)
Mrs. W. Knox (1) vs Mrs. H. Mearns (0)
Miss. R. Wilson (1) vs Mrs. T. Jackson (0)
Miss D. Ross (1/2) vs. Mrs. K. Lawson (1/2)
Mrs. E. Buchanan (1) vs Mrs. W. Erickson (0)
Mrs. R. Edward (0) vs Mrs. B. Thirlwell (1)
Miss. J. Fairweather (1) vs Mrs. S. Horsford (0)
Mrs. R. Renwick (1) vs Mrs. M. Mahoney (0)
Mrs. A. Sutherland (1) vs Mrs. V. Godfrey (0)
Mainland 7 1/2 Island 4 1/2
Venue Gorge Vale Date June 24, 1956
No individual results available
Island 7 1/2 Mainland 4 1/2
Venue Capilano Date June 23 1957
Mainland Team Members; Miss. R. Wilson, Mrs. A. Tobin, Mrs. B Evans, Mrs. H. cleat, Mrs. M Hutton-Potts, Mrs. R Renwick, Miss C. Smith, Mrs. D. Heritage, Mrs. T. Fraser, Mrs. E. Barber, Mrs. D. McIntosh, Miss, K. Duff-Stuart.
Island Team Members: Mrs. J. Todd, Mrs. K. Lawson, Mrs. D. Naysmith, Mrs. A. Robbins, Mrs. G. Harris, Mrs. H. Mearns, Mrs. W. Erikson, Mrs. H. MacKenzie, Mrs. R. Thirwell, Mrs. V. Godfrey, Mrs. G. Chisholm, Mrs. N. O’Connell
No individual results available
TIE Between the Mainland and the Island teams.
Venue Marine Drive June 22, 1958
Mainland vs Island
Miss R. Wilson (1) vs Mrs. J. Todd (0)
Mrs. B. Evans (0) vs Mrs. J. Lawson (1)
Mrs. A. Tobin (1) vs Mrs. R. Robbins (0)
Mrs. M. Hutton-potts (1) vs Mrs. E. Jackson
Miss. C. Smith (1) vs Mrs. P. Mearns (0)
Mrs. H. Cleat (1) vs Mrs. P. Harris (0)
Mrs. W. Knox (1) vs Mrs. P. MacKenzie (0)
Mrs. E. Camp (1/2) vs Mrs. L. Thirwell (1/2)
Mrs. T. Fraser (1) vs Mrs. H. Erikson (0)
Mrs. E. Barber (1) vs Mrs. S. Harrell (0)
Mrs. B. Heritage (0) vs Mrs. H. Chisholm (1)
Miss. K. Duff-Stuart (1) vs Miss M. Whyte (0)
Mainland 9 1/2 Island 2 1/2
Venue Capilano Date June 21, 1959
Mainland vs Island
Mrs. A. Tobin (0) vs Mrs. J Todd (1)
Mrs. M Hutton-Potts (0) vs Mrs. T. Jackson (1)
Mrs. W. Knox (1) vs Mrs. G. Harris (0)
Miss. R. Wilson (1) vs Mrs. D. Naysmith (0)
Miss C. Smith (1) vs Mrs. K. Lawson (0)
Miss J. Percy (1) vs Mrs. R. Bains (0)
Mrs. B. Evans (1) vs Mrs. H. MacKenzie (0)
Mrs. E. Barber (1) vs Mrs. V. Godfrey (0)
Mrs. H. McCranor (1) vs Mrs. R. Poyntz (0)
Mrs. J Innes (1/2) vs Mrs. B. Thirwell (1/2)
Mrs. H. Cleat (1) vs Mrs. H. Mearns (0)
Mrs. R. Patrick (1) vs Mrs. R. Bains (0)
Mainland 9 1/2 Island 2 1/2
From 1960 1983 the scoring system changed from one point per match available to three points per match – one point for each nine and one point for the overall match. Total points available 36.
Venue Uplands Date June 19, 1960
Island vs Mainland
Mrs. D. Naysmith (2 1/2) vs Miss. G. hitchens (1/2)
Mrs. J. Todd (1 1/2) vs Miss S. Foulds (1 1/2 )
Mrs. K. Lawson (2 1/2 ) vs miss C Smith (1/2)
Only partial results available
Island 19 Mainland 17
Venue Seymour Date June 18, 1961
Mainland vs Island
No individual results available
Mainland 31 1/2 Island 4 1/2
Venue Victoria June 22, 1962
Victoria vs Mainland
Mrs. M Todd (2 1/2 ) vs Miss. G. Hitchens ( 1/2)
Mrs. S. Naysmith (1 1/2) vs Miss J. McWha (1 1/2)
Mrs. J. Lawson (1/2) vs Miss R. Wilson (2 1/2)
Mrs. D. DeGirolamo (1/2) vs Miss. C. Smith (2 1/2)
Mrs. E. Jackson (0) vs Miss. B. Renwick (3)
Miss R. Robbins (3) vs. Mrs. M. Hutton-Potts (0)
Mrs. L Thirlwell (0) vs. Mrs. D. Thompson (3)
Mrs. P. Mearns (1/2) vs Mrs. J. Innes (2 1/2)
Mrs. P. Husband (2 1/2 ) vs Mrs. J. Chanter (1/2)
Mrs. D. Poyntz (0) vs Mrs. J. Chappell (3)
Mrs. E. Saunders (1/2) vs Miss N. Young (2 1/2)
Mrs. P. Harris (1 1/2 ) vs Mrs. J. Smyth (1 1/2)
Mainland 23 Island 13
Venue Capilano Date August 18, 1963
Mainland vs Island
Ruth Wilson (3) vs Shirley Naysmith (0)
Colleen Smith (1/2) vs Joan Lawson (2 1/2)
Barbara Renwick (3) vs Dorothy DeGirolamo (0)
Yvonne Clark (2) vs Mrs. A. Robbins (1)
Mrs. A. Tobin (1) vs Mrs. E. Hibberson (2)
Mrs. Donna Collett (3) vs Gayle Bigsby (0)
Gertie Beaton (3) vs Mrs. B. Thirwell (0)
Margaret Hutton-Potts (3) vs. Mrs. J. Tribe (0)
Mrs. J. Smythe (3) vs Dorothy Poyntz (0)
Jean Richardson (2 1/2) vs Mrs. G. Hay (1/2)
Mrs. J. Chapple (3) vs Mrs. F. Green (0)
Mrs. G. Dey (3) vs Mrs. P. Saunders (0)
Mainland 30 Island 6
Venue Royal Colwood Date August 16, 1964
Island vs Mainland
Joan Lawson (2 1/2) vs Gayle hitchens (1/2)
Margaret Todd (1/2) vs Barbara Renwick (2 1/2)
Shirley Naismith (1 1/2) vs Ruth Wilson (1 1/2 )
Renee Robbins (0) vs Yvonne Clark (3)
Lil Thirlwell (1) vs Colleen McCulloch (2)
Kay Tribe (1) vs Susan Brown (2)
Daisy Harrell (1) vs Lorraine Smythe (2)
Elsie Saunders (2 1/2) vs Margaret Hutton-Potts (1/2)
Edna Hay (2 1/1) vs Josie Chapple (1/2)
Mildred Green (2 1/2) vs Vi Maddison (1/2)
Mickey Price (3) vs Sandra Plum (0)
Evelyn Jackson (2 1/2 ) vs Bee Parsons (1/2)
Island 20 1/2 Mainland 15 1/2
Vancouver GC Date August 22, 1965
Mainland vs Island
Island Team Members: Margaret Todd, Joan Lawson, Shirley Naismith, Dorothy Degirolamo, Eileen Anderson, Kay Tribe, Edna Hay, Flo Chapman, Mildred Green, Mary Bliss, Elsie Saunders, Lil Thirlwell
No team members names available for Mailand team
No individual results available
Mainland 26 1/2 Island 9 1/2
Venue Victoria GC Date July 17, 1966
Island Team Members: Mrs. J. Todd, Mrs. R. Saunders, Mrs. K. Lawson, Mrs. H. mearns, Mrs. J. Anderson, Mrs. G. Lovitt, Mrs. B. Thirlwell, Mrs. D. Naysmith, Mrs. D. DeGirolamo, Mrs. A. robbins, Mrs. W. Chapman, Mrs. J. Tribe
Mainland Team Members: Gayle Hitchens, Susan Brown, Barbara Renwick, Janet Mcwha, Florence McFall, Gertie Beaton, Lorraine Smythe, Sheila Bentley, Mrs. John Crawford, Margaret Hutton-Potts, Mrs. Dick Chu, Colleen McCulloch
No individual results are available
Mainland 30 1/2 Island 5 1/2
Venue Point Grey Date July 16, 1966
No Results available
Mainland won
Venue Royal Colwood Date September 8, 1968
Island vs Mainland
Shirley Naismith (2) vs Gail Moore (1)
Dorothy Degirolamo (2) vs Marilyn Palmer (1)
Margaret Todd vs Barbara Renwick
Joan Lawson (2) vs Sue (Brown) McCleery (1)
Diana Phillips vs Janet McWha
Kay Tribe vs Donna Collett
June Lovitt vs Flo McFall
Isobel McIntyre vs Lorraine Smythe
Maureen Herbertson vs Gertie Beaton
Lil Thirwell vs Sheila Bentley
Jean Chrisitie vs Yvonne Clark
Elsie Saunders (2) vs Colleen McCulloch (1)
Other points unavailable
Mainland 24 Island 12
Venue: Marine Drive Date July 20, 1969
No individual Results available
Mainland 27 1/2 Island 8 1/2
Venue Gorge Vale Date July 19, 1970
Island vs Mainland
Dale Shaw (0) vs Marilyn Palmer (3)
Susan McCleery (0) vs Gail Moore (3)
Margaret Todd (1 1/2) vs Barbara Renwick (1 1/2)
Shirley Naismith (1) vs Dorothy Leighton (2)
Joan Lawson (3) vs Donna Collett (0)
Diana Phillips (2) vs Helen Marlatt (1)
Gert Pumfrey (0) vs Lorraine Smythe (3)
Marjorie Todd (0) vs Sheila Bentley (3)
Kay Tribe (2 1/2) vs Gertie Beaton (1/2)
Jeanie Hopps (0) vs Carolyn Larsen (3)
Elsie Saunders (2 1/2) vs Billie Bartley (1/2)
Lil Thirlwell (0) vs Jan Allison (3)
Mainland 23 1/2 Island 12 1/2
No results available
Mainland won over the Island Team
Venue Quilchena Date July 23, 1972
Island Team members; Dale Shaw, Shirley Naismith, Margaret Todd, Dorothy DeGirolamo, Joan Lawson, Brenda Prosofsky, Diane Phillips, Nita Moody, Gert Pumfrey, Betty Phillips, Flo Chsapman, and June Lovitt
No results available
Island Team Won over the Mainland Team.
Venue Uplands Date July 29, 1973
Island vs Mainland
Dorothy DeGiralamo vs Sheila Bentley
Margaret Todd vs Holly Botham
Joan Lawson vs Helen Marlatt
Dianne Phillips vs Dianne Lytwyn
Gert Pumfrey vs Carolyn Lawson
Eileen Anderson vs Colleen McCulloch
Nita Moody vs Helen Berlinquette
Betty Strome vs Billie Bartley
Peggy Mathews vs Linda Kaalec
Jeannie Hopps vs Mona Pump
Peggy Jacobson vs Anna-May Taylor
Betty Phillips vs Jean Stewart
No results available
Mainland 23 1/2 Island 12 1/2
After 1974 the CLGA 2-5-8 committee invited the Sweeny Cup group to participate in the selection of the Mainland Team. The Sweeny group began paying the travelling expenses for the team.
Venue Marine Drive Date July 14, 1974
Island Team Members: Dorothy DeGirolamo, Dale Shaw, Peggy Jacobsen, Juanita Turner, Margaret Todd, Shirley Naismith, Joan Lawson
Mainland 24 1/2 Island 11 1/2
Victoria GC Date September 21, 1975
Island vs Mainland
Dale Shaw (3) vs Marilyn Palmer (0)
Peggy Jacobsen (3) vs Fumi Limoli (0)
Betty Strome (3) vs Lorna McPherson (0)
Margaret Todd (2 1/2) vs
Joan Lawson (1 1/2) vs
Eileen Anderson (1) vs
Juanita Turner (1) vs
Dorothy DeGirolamo (1)
Shirley Naismith (1/2)
Mainland 19 1/2 Island 16 1/2
Venue Capilano Date July 11, 1976
No results available
Mainland 21 Island 15
Venue Uplands Date July 3, 1977
Island vs Mainland
Dorothy Degirolamo (1/2) vs Gail Moore (2 1/2)
Margaret Todd (2) vs Marilyn Palmer (1)
Pat Derry (1/2) vs Paula Phillips (2 1/2)
Jeannie Hopps (3) vs Val White (0)
Nita Moody (2) vs Sheila Bentley (1)
Joan Lawson (3) vs Jane Cousins (0)
Gert Pumfrey (2) vs Billie Bartley (1)
Edna Wondra (0) vs Flo McFall (3)
Peggy Jacobsen (1/2) vs Laura Iwasaki (2 1/2)
Juanita Turner (1 1/2) vs Dorothy Leighton (1 1/2)
Peggy Mathews (3) vs Lorraine MacKenzie (0)
Irene Horn (2) vs Patti Murray (1)
Island 20 Mainland 16
Vancouver GC Date July 9. 1978
Island Team Members: Dorothy DeeGirlamo, Joan Lawson, Juanita Turner, Margaret Todd, Lorna Rooper, Gert Pumphrey, Nita Moody, Eileen Anderson, Bernice Breffitt, Jeannie Hopps.
Island 21 1/2 Mainland 14 1/2
Royal Colwood Date July 29, 1979
Island vs Mainland
Joanne Smith (1 1/2) vs Gail Moore (1 1/2)
Pat Derry (3) vs Val Westell (0)
Margaret Todd (2 1/2) vs Flo McFall (1/2)
Joan Lawson (3) vs Barb MacDonals (0)
Diane Phillips (2 1/2) vs Donna Thompson (1/2)
Jeannie Hopps (3) vs Colleen McCulloch (0)
Edna Wondra (1 1/2) vs Vicki Woodcock (1 1/2)
Maureen Hibberson (2 1/2) vs Lorna Roxburgh (1/2)
Bernice Breffitt (2) vs Ann-May Taylor (1)
Heather Stewart (1) vs Isabelle Rudd (2)
Jean Smith (1/2) vs Barbara Baril (2 1/2)
Lorna Rooper (3) vs Lousie Roberts (0)
Island 26 Mainland (10)
Venue Shaughnessy Date July 8, 1980
No results available
Island won
After 1981 the CLGA (BC Branch) made the following changes for the Huntting Cup Matches:
1. The Huntting cup will no longer be played the day before the BC women’s amateur at the host club.
2. The CLGA District Chair hosting the Huntting Cup would arrange the golf course. Because the lower mainland consisted of Districts 2-5-8 more courses could be encouraged to host the Matches.
3. The date for the Huntting Cup should be in late August or September. The ferry line ups posed a problem.
Although the CLGA District 2-5-8 Committee had transferred the selection and operation for the mainland team to the Sweeny group in 1982, the CLGa District 1 Committee did not follow until 1987.
Special Meeting January 20, 1987:
“After some discussion the responsibility for the Huntting Cup Matches was transferred to the Harris-Erikson (15 and under) group. This meant all players who wished to play on the Huntting Cup Team would need to purchase an annual membership in the Harris-Erikson Group.”
“It was also decided that the women who played in the previous match will have first refusal to play in the next match. “
Glen Meadows Date: July 26, 1981
Island Team Members: Joanne Smith (3) , Margaret Todd (3) , Dorothy DeGirolamo, Pat Derry, Diane Phillips, Ann Newman, Joan Lawson, Lorna Roper, Jean Smith Jeannie Hopps, Edna Wondra and Maureen Hibberson
Mainland Team Members: Helen MacGregor (3) , Lorna Roxburgh (3), Carol Woodman (3)
Mainland 23 Island 13
In 1982 or 1983 the scoring system changed to one point per hole. Each player received 1/2 point for a tie.
Venue Beach Grove
Mainland won
The Harris –Erikson group no longer paid for the traveling expenses for the Island Team Members
Venue Gorge Vale Date June 18, 1983
Island Team Members: Dorothy DeGirolamo, Anne Neuman, Jean Smith, Joan Lawson, Jan Davidson, Diane Phillips, Joyce O’Connor, Lil Thorsen, Betty Cone, Margaret Todd, Pat Derry, and Carol Giles.
Mainland 108 1/2 Island 107 1/2
Venue Shaughnessy Date June 30 1984
Island Team Members: Dorothy DeGirolamo, Anne Neuman, Diane Phillips, Joyce O’Connor, Carol Giles, Jean Smith, Jan Davidson, Joan Lawson, Lil Thorsen, Margaret Todd, Pat Derry, and Dianne Savoie.
Mainland won
Venue Victoria GC Date July 1, 1985
Island vs Mainland
Nancy Callan (10 1/2) vs Gail Moore (7 1/2)
Anne Newman (9) vs Barbara McDonald (9)
Dorothy DeGirolamo (9) vs Donna Collett (9)
Jan Davidson (8 1/2) vs Dorothy Leighton (9 1/2)
Juanita Turner (9) Cheryl Jensen (9)
Shirley Naismith (9) vs Sheila Bentley (9)
Joyce O’Connor (8 1/2) vs Flo McFall (9 1/2)
Lil Thorsen (8 1/2) vs Fumi Lemoli (9 1/2
Tara Roden (8) vs Jan Annable (100
Pat Derry (10 1/2) vs Colleen McCulloch (7 1/2)
Carol Giles (11) vs Lorraine MacKenzie (7)
Diane Phillips (10 1/2) vs Tippi Roberts (7 1/2)
Island 112 Mainland 104
Venue Capilano Date July 19, 1986
Mainland Team Members: Linda Jervis, Liz Kohler, Billy Bartley, Sheila Bentley, Fumi Limoli, Jan Annable, Paula Nishikiwara, Colleen McCulloch, Eunice Famme, Anna Mae Taylor, Gertie Beaton.
Mainland 109 1/2 Island 106 1/2
January 21, 1987
The CLGA District 1 Execurtive recommended all members of the Huntting Cup, Team be selected from the Harris-Erikson group. Any player wishing to play in the Hutting Cup Matches would be required to join the Harris-Erikson Group. The Harris-Erikson would arrange the time and venue for the matches.
Royal Colwood Date August 16, 1987
Mainland Team Members: Flo McFall, Donna Thompson, Jan Annable, Penny Brown-tomlinson, Pip Roberts, Colleen Mcculloch, Eunice Famme, Lorraine MacKenzie, Rene Coventry, Anna-May Taylor, Mona Pump, Peggy Jacobsen.
Mainland 110 Island 106
Venue Quilchena Date September 10, 1988
Mainland Team members: Linda Jervis, Donna Thompson, Pip Roberts, Flo McFall, Penny Brown-Tomlinson, Paula NishiKawara, Jan annable, Lorraine MacKenzie, Colleen McCulloch, Sheila Bentley, Eunice Femme, Connie Grant.
TIE Mainland 108 Island 108
Venue Uplands Date August 19, 1989
Mainland Team Members: Linda Jervis, Chris Fibiger, Paula Nishikawara, Pip Roberts, Billie Bartley, Penny Brown Tomlinson, Lorraine MacKenzie, Colleen McCulloch, Jean Brown, Eunice Femme, Gertie Beaton, Rene Coventry
Island 108 1/2 Mainland 107 1/2
Marine Drive Date August 19, 1990
Mainland Team Members: Linda Jervis, Chris Fibiger, Pip Roberts, Lorraine MacKenzie, Colleen McCulloch, Jean Brown, Gertie Beaton, Donna Thompson, Sheila Bentley, Joan Townley, Connie Grant, Anna May Taylor
Score Sheets lost Mainland 109 Island 107
Gorge Vale
No records Mainland won
No competition World Amateur Championship in Vancouver
Shaughnessy Date August 8 1993
Mainland 109 1/2 Island 106 1/2
Venue: Uplands
Mainland won
Marine Drive Date August 13, 1995
Mainland Team Members: Karen Pultz, Brenda Wallace, susan Brown, Pip Roberts, Deb Fullerton, Donna Thompson, Yoko Egawa, Flo McFall, Lorraine MacKenzie, Rita Raubsll, Riki Fuller, Monika Rogers.
Island Team Members: Gayle Green, Barb Rainey, Muareen hibberson, Dorothy DeGirolomo, Carroll Giles, Lee Asby,
Island 58 1/2 Mainland 57 1/2
Venue: Glen Meadows Date August 11, 1996
Island Team Members Jean Smith, Barb Rainey
Mainland 120 Island 96
Venue Beach Grove
Island Team Members Barb Rainey
Mainland won
Cordova Bay
Mainland won
Venue University Date September 25, 1999
Mainland vs Island
Karen Pultz (9) vs Penny Baziuk (9)
Joanne Mick (10 1/2) vs Diane Phillips (7 1/2)
Sandra Turbide (10 1/2) vs Georgina Hermans (7 1/2)
Diane Bosman (13 1/2) vs Claire Dionne (4 1/2)
Phyliss Laschuk (11 1/2) vs Debbie Janes (6 1/2)
Carolyn McCullough (8 1/2) vs Rita Seigo (9 1/2)
Melodie Minni (5) vs Lenore Davis (13)
Funice Femme (10 1/2) vs Jennifer Blagborne (7 1/2)
Tomiko Ibuka (7 1/2) vs Mary Murrell (10 1/2)
Rita Rauball (6 1/2) vs Janice Henshaw (11 1/2)
Vanessa Jacobsen (8) vs Eleanor Geisthardt (10)
Sandy Plumb (6 1/2) vs Peg Wright (11 1/2)
Island 108 1/2 Mainland 107 1/2
Venue Victoria GC Date October 1, 2000
Island vs Mainland
Allison Murdoch (12 1/2) vs Sandra Turbide (5 1/2)
Georgina Hermanns (9) vs Karen Pultz (9)
Debbie Janes (9) vs Diane Bosman (9)
Diane Phillips (9 1/2) vs Joanne Mick (8 1/2)
Dorothy Wilks (10) vs Cheryl Mcintosh (8)
Claire Dionne (8 1/2) vs Phyliss Laschuk (9 1/2)
Lenore Davis (10) vs Brigitte Merkentrup (8)
Eleanor Geisthardt (9) vs Eunice Femme (9)
Mary Murrell (8) vs Vanessa Jacobsen (10)
Janice Henshaw (9 1/2) vs Tia Chisholm (8 1/2)
Camille Kelly (8) vs Melodie Minni (10)
Peggey Wright (9) vs Sharon Zarowny (9)
Island 112 Mainland 104 `
Venue Richmond Date September 8, 2001
Mainland vs Island
Sandra Turbide (4 1/2) vs Alison Murdoch (13 1/2)
Phyllis Laschuk (7) vs Penny Baziuk (11)
Karen Pultz (11 1/2) vs Pam Miller (61/2)
Makiko Akiyama (12 1/2) vs Debbie Janes (5 1/2)
Joanne mick (11) Claire Dionne (7)
Tia Chisholm (6 1/2) vs Georgina Hermans (11 1/2)
Lise Booth (10) vs Lenore Davis (8)
Nora McKibbon (10) vs Rita Seigo (8)
Melodie Minni (9) vs Monique Coyle (9)
Eunice Famme (11) vs Cheryl Hosier (7)
Judy Gravestock (12) vs Peg Wright (6)
Brigitte Merkentrup (8 1/2) vs Jill deGoey (9 1/2)
Mainland 113 1/2 Island 102 1/2
Venue Royal Colwood Date September 28. 2002
Island vs Mainland
Alison Murdoch (9 1/2) vs Diane McFarlane (8 1/2)
Penny Baziuk (11) vs Karen Pultz (7)
Pam Miller (9 1/2) vs Sandra Turbide (8 1/2)
Georgina Hermans (10) vs Phyllis Laschuk (7)
Camille Kelly (10) vs Flo McFall (8)
Rits Seigo (10) vs Kathryn McGarvey (8)
Monique Coyle (7 1/2) vs Laura Driscoll (10 1/2)
Claire Dionne (10 1/2) vs Brenda Massey (7 1/2)
Lenore Davis (8) vs Eunice Famme (10)
Cheryl Meadmore (10) vs Judy Gravestock (8)
Jill deGoey (6 1/2) vs Tia Chisholm (11 1/2)
Eleanor Geisthardt (9 1/2) vs Sharon Zarowny (8 1/2)
Island 112 Mainland 104
Venue Beach Grove Date June 23, 2003
Mainland vs Island
Sandra Turbide (10) vs Alison Murdoch (8)
Holly Sanders (11) vs Penny Baziuk (7)
Jackie Hays (11) vs Pam Miller (7)
Karen Pultz (8) vs Carin Gallie (10)
Brenda Massey (7 1/2) vs Georgina Hermans (10 1/2)
Phyllis Laschuk (10 1/2) vs Colleen Wheatley (7 1/2)
Diane McFarlane (10) vs Rita Seigo (8)
Joanne Mick (11 1/2) vs Diane Rands (6 1/2)
Laura Driscoll (9 1/2) vs Lenore Davis (8 1/2)
Kathy Lam (9) vs Camille Kelly (9)
Norah McKibbin (10 1/2) vs Cheryl Meadmore (7 1/2)
Lily Kwan (10) vs Juanita Turner (8)
Mainland 118 1/2 Island 97 1/2
Venue Glen Meadows
Island Team Members: Penny Baziuk, Alison murdoch. Colleen Wheatley, Georgina Hermans, Rita Seigo, Cheryl Meadmore, Diane Rands, Claire Dionne, Pam Miller, Debbie Janes, Carin Gallie, Camille Kelly.
Mainland won
Venue Shaughnessy Date October 8, 2005
Mainland vs Island
Karen Pultz (11) vs Penny Baziuk (7)
Sandra Turbide (11 1/2) vs Alison Murdoch (6 1/2)
Nancy Chow (7 1/2) vs Georgina Hermans (10 1/2)
Phyllis Laschuk (13 1/2) vs Carin Gallie (4 1/2)
Dianne McFarlane (7 1/2) vs Katie Snell (10 1/2)
Michelle Dance (7 1/2) vs Pam Miller (10 1/2)
Elaine Blatchford (8 1/2) vs Colleen Wheatley (9 1/2)
Holly horwood (8 1/2) vs Cheryl Meadmore (9 1/2)
Penny McDonald (11 1/2) vs Rita Seigo (6 1/2)
Tia Chisholm (7) vs Lenore Davis (11)
Vanessa Jacobsen (9) vs Sue Ovens (9)
Kathryn McGarvey (11) vs Margaret Foreman (7)
Mainland 114 Island 102
Venue: Victoria
Island Team Members: Penny Baziuk, Carin Gallie, Alison Murdoch, Colleen Wheatley, Cheryl Meadmore, Rita Seigo, Georgina Hermans, Marscia Littlewood, Margaret Foreman, Lenore Davis, Diane Rands, Katie Snell
Island won
Venue Surrey
Island Team Members: Penny Bazuik, Katie Snell, Pam miller, Carin Gallie, Cheryl Meadmore Nicole Fraser, Lenore Davis, Janine Kosmenko, Diane Rands, Louise Herllinveaux, eileen Kelly, Margaret Foreman.
Mainland won
Venue: Gorge Vale
Island Team Members: Alison Quinlan, Janie Kosmenko, Carin Gallie, Diane Rands, Lenore Davis, Georgina Hermans, Rita Seigo, Louise Herlineauvx, Camille Kelly, Margaret Foreman, connie Dykstra, Sue Ovens
Gorge Vale Date September 21, 2008
Island won
Venue: Point Grey
Island Team Members: Alison Murdoch, Penny Baziuk, Bree Sharatt, Ali Quinlan, Margaret Kavanaugh, Colleen Wheatley, Carin Gallie, Lenore Davis, Diana Rewers, Cheryl Meadmore, Georgina Hermans, Sue Ovens
Mainland won
Venue: Royal Colwood Date October 3, 2010
Island Team Members: Penny Baziuk, Alison Murdoch, colleen Wheatley, Georgina Hermans, Cheryl Meadmore, Margaret Foreman, Carin Gallie, Sue Ovens, Margaret Kavanaugh, rita Seigo, connie Dykstra, Alison Quinlan
Mainland won
Venue: Richmond
Island Team Members: Penny Baziuk, eileen Kelly, Alison Murdoch, Carin Gallie, Colleen Wheatley, Georgina Hermans, Katie Snell, Rita Seigo, Lenore Davis, Cheryl Meadmore, Margaret foreman, Connie Dykstra.
Mainland won
2012 Venue: Cowichan Date Spetmber 30, 2012
Island vs Mainland
Eileen Kelly (3) vs Jessica Payne (0)
Penny Baziuk (0) vs Holly Horwood (3)
Alison Quinlan (2 1/2) vs Elaine Blatchford (1/2)
Janice Kosmenko (1) vs Kate Weir (1)
Carin Gallie (0) vs Val Westell (3)
Colleen Wheatley (2) vs Sandy Young (1)
Georgina Hermans (3) Kathryn McGarvey (0)
Janet Ruset (1/2) vs Vicki Potter (2 1/2)
Lenore Davis (1 1/2) vs Mary Feenan (1 1/2)
Rita Seigo (0) vs Tammy Brunin (3)
Lee Ashby (3) vs Leeann Winters (0)
Sue Ovans (2 1/2) vs Rhiannon Charles (1/2)
Island 19 Mainland 17
2013 Venue Marine Drive
Island Team Members: Penny Baziuk, Eileen Kelly, Janet Ruest, Carin Gallie, Colleen Wheatley, Bree Sharatt, laurie Randall, Rita Seigo, Lenore Davis, Valerie Fitzpatrick, Connie Dykstra, Mary Braithwaite.
Mainland won
2014 Venue Bear Mountain Date August 7, 2014
Island Team Members: Alison murdoch, Georgina Hermans, Sue Ovensa, Carin Gallie, Jean Wilmhurst, Bree Sharatt, Carla Escobar, Colleen Wheatley, Mary Braithwaite, Lenore Davis, Cheryl Meadmore, Penny Baziuk
Mainland won
2015 Venue Richmond
Island Team Members: Brenda Warner, Mary Braithwaite, Krista Nabb, colleen Wheatley, Sue Ovens, Rita Seigo, Anne Wilson, Carin Gallie3, Cheryl Meadmore, Penny BGaziuk, Val Fitzpatrick, Lenore Davis.
Mainland won
2016 Venue Victoria
Island Team Members: Penny Baziuk, Lenore Davis Colleen Wheatley, Georgina Hermans, Katie Snell, Mary Braithwaite, Sue Ovens, Carin Gallie, Krista Nabb, Alison Murdoch, Cheryl Meadmore, Valerie Fitzpatrick
Mainland won
2017 Venue University
Island Team Members: Val Fitzpatrick, Alison Murdoch, Janine Kosmenko, Krista Nabb, Mary Braithwaite, Colleen Wheatley, Penny Baziuk, Cheryl Meadmore, sue Ovens, Denise Walker, Katie Snell, Carin Gallie
Mainland won
2018 Venue Uplands
Island Team Members: Brenda Walker, Val Fitzpatrick, Michelle Kwon, Denise Walker, Sue Ovens, Krista Nabb, Alison murdoch, Colleen Wheatley, Mary Braithwaite, Marlies russell, Penny Baziuk, Carin Gallie
Island won
Venue Peace Portal
Island Team Members: Alison Murdoch, Karen Kloske, Jackie Heard, Colleen Wheatley, Katie Snell, Connie Dykstra, Marlies Russell, Georgina Hermans, Penny Baziuk, Cheryl Meadmore, Mary Braithwaite, Chelsea Truong
2020 No event due to COVID
2021 No event due to COVID
Note: If you played in Matches during the last twenty years could you please assist us to update these records. You could assist with the venues and perhaps the players names.
Contact: email: