Haywood Securities signs on as Presenting Sponsor

The BC Golf House is excited to welcome Haywood Securities on board as the Presenting Sponsor of the Tradition Pro Am Classic to be held at Shaughnessy Golf & Country Club.
Executive Director of the BC Golf House Society, Barrie McWha confirmed the sponsorship as part of a new relationship between the Golf House and the Vancouver Golf Tour. He acknowledged the importance of attracting a company such as Haywood Securities, a Vancouver based business with a history of supporting sport in Canada in a significant way. The Vancouver Golf Tour has really developed into a premier golf development tour and partnering with it has given the BC Golf House event an exciting future, said McWha.

Haywood Securities has been passionately involved with supporting sport in Canada for nearly a decade with the goal of becoming a community leader in creating a healthier and more active nation.  Our involvement with the BC Golf House Tradition Pro Am and the Vancouver Golf Tour is particularly exciting as we not only see first-hand individuals who are striving to reach the pinnacle in their careers,  but also witness the wonderful example they are setting for the youth of our country. Golf is such a great game that can be played at all stages of life.”

Rob Blanchard, President, Haywood Securities Inc.


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